Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You.
授权人不应被任何可能出现在与您通讯之间的任何附加条款所拘束。 |
Lichen eats away at granite and over time can cause cracks and pockmarks. If left for long enough, they could eventually cause the 60-foot tall (18 meter) statue to crumble.
苔藓会侵蚀花岗岩,而且随着时间的推移,这些苔藓会使岩石产生裂缝和凹痕。如果长时间不加清理的话,它们最终会把这座高60英尺(约合18米)的宏伟雕像变成碎片。 |
Lichen myxedematosus is a chronic cutaneous mucinous disorder and is classified into four clinical variants.
摘要黏液水肿性苔癣为一慢性皮肤黏液沉著之疾病,临床上可区分为四种变型。 |
Lichens Symbiotic associations between an alga or cyanobacterium (the photobiont) and a fungus (the mycobiont).
地衣:蓝、绿藻类(共生光合生物)和真菌(地衣共生菌)所形成的共生复合体。 |
Licht, Walter. Working for the Railroad. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983.
《为铁路而工作》。新泽西:普林斯顿大学出版社,1983。 |
Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.
夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。 |
Lichuan, hometown of Dragon Boat Song, is a magic and beautiful city in the western part of China with its magnificent natural scenery and splendid ethnic culture.
《龙船调》的故乡--西部名城利川市是一个神奇而美丽的地方,这里有着雄奇险峻的自然风光和悠久灿烂的民族文化。 |
Lichunxia,a Master of phylosophy,I'm a vice professor teaching on Phylosophy and Phylosophy of Science in the Department of Social Science in China University of Mining &Technology (Beijing) ,the main areas what I study include Science Technology and Soci
李春霞,哲学硕士,副教授,在中国矿业大学(北京)从事哲学和科技哲学的教学,主要研究方向为科学技术与社会发展、科学认识论、科学思想史。 |
Licidique was the daughter of a Senator who had been lately g in open forum about the fact that the city was running into a state of decadence.
露辛迪克是一位议员的女儿,她的父亲在最近的一次露天演讲中对城市日渐颓废堕落这一现实表示不满。 |
Lickety-split.I want to get home.
动作快,我要回家。 |
Lidan, dolomite, Li Shi metres mining processing.
理石、白云石、理石米开采加工。 |