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That horse was wild,but the cowboy broke it in.

That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
That horse is bound to win; put your shirt on it. 那匹马肯定会赢,把你所有的钱都押在上面吧。
That horse is bound to win; put your shirt on it. 那匹马肯定会赢,把你所有的钱都押在上面吧。 
That horse is the ,odds-on favourite. 那匹马很有希望获胜.
That horse kicked me. 那匹马踢了我。
That horse was wild,but the cowboy broke it in. 那匹马很狂野,但是却被这个牛仔驯服了。
That hotel dose not find breakfast. 那家旅馆不提供早餐。
That hotel is no more, and on its site now stands the Royal Opera House. 当时的酒店已经不在,如今屹立于此的是皇家歌剧院。
That hotel is noted for its fine service. 那家旅馆以服务优良著称。
That hotel is so expensive that only the carriage trade stays there. 那家旅馆太贵了,只有富人或上流社会人士才住得起。
That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。

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