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Off-screen, Swank and actor Chad Lowe got married in 1997.

Off to one side, just below the crest of a little hill, there was a natural hideout. 在这条小径的一边,在一个小山顶的下面,有一个天然的隐蔽处。
Off we go, its siege time. 我们走,现在是攻城时间。
Off went Peter Cottontail and the three little kittens, with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up. 皮特和三只小猫走出去,皮特跳着大兔步,而三只小猫则跑在后面跟着他。
Off-balance-sheet activities involve trading financial instruments and generation income from fees and loan sales. 表外业务包括金融工具的交易以及通过收费和出售贷款等取得收入的业务。
Off-grade qualities are now at a discount. 等外品现在没有销路。
Off-screen, Swank and actor Chad Lowe got married in 1997. 荧屏下,她与演员查德·洛于1997年结婚。
Off-season training: High reps, a lot of different assistant work. 非赛季训练:高次数,大量的不同的辅助动作。
Offal is now thought to be very nutritious. 现在认为猪牛等的下水很有营养。
Offal or giblets: Viscera, skin, feet, head, tail and bits of meat of livestock or poultry from dressing such asevisceration, skinning, removal of feet and head. 二杂碎:指家畜、家禽屠体于摘取内脏、剥皮、去肢、去头尾等屠体修整作业时所产生之内脏、皮、肢、头、尾及零碎肉等产物。
Offcer: Ok. Take with your contract, fill out the business tax claim form, and we'll audit these materials. If no problem, then we'll issue the formal invoice to you . 税务局官员:好的。请带上你的合同,并且填好营业税申报表,然后我们会进行审查。如果没有问题,我们会尽快签发正式的发票给你。
Offenbach completed more than ninety works for the stage. 奥芬巴赫完成了90多部舞台作品。

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