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It will really drop a bombshell if Taiwan announces its re-unification with China.

It will provide pure drinking water. 它将提供纯净的饮用水。
It will provide some kind of theoretic reference for the development of China interest groups to appraise function of interest groups objectively. 客观地评价西方利益集团在政治过程中的是非功过,对于正确对待、引导我国社会政治转型期的利益分化与组合,具有一定的参考价值。
It will provide the neighbourhood area with an unusual urban capacity. 这里将给予邻近地区一个不寻常的城市场所。
It will push us deeper into the maze of problems. 那会把我们推向问题的实质。
It will put a premium on drinking in the district. 这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。
It will really drop a bombshell if Taiwan announces its re-unification with China. (假如台湾宣布与中国大陆统一,将是引起大轰动的消息。)
It will really queer our pitch if the typhoon comes tomorrow. 如果颱风明天来,那就真的对我们的计画造成不利影响。
It will reduce the swelling ['sweli]. 这种药可以消肿。
It will reduce your DPS for no reason. 因为这样会降低你的DPS。
It will relate the job assessment with restraint system of the state-owned enterprisers in this paper, which can perfect the restraint system of the state-owned enterprisers' from the aspect of goal responsibility restraint, stage achievement appraisal re 把对国企经营者的业绩评价与监督约束联系起来,从目标责任约束、阶段业绩评价约束、财务监督、审计监督约束、公司治理结构约束等几方面完善国企经营者监督约束机制。
It will remain overseas for the duration of this summer's World Cup and it is expected to be returned home in mid-September. 今年夏天世界杯期间,这只足球将一直待在德国,预计在9月中旬返回英国。

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