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The virginity associated with Virgo actually relates to discernment, to the idealism of choice.

The violinist has technical skill but not much feeling. 这位小提琴手技巧不错,但缺乏感情。
The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang's name was seen. Is it?he asked. 小提琴手于是掏出一张奖票,上面还醒目地写着乔治-桑,小提琴手举着彩票问:“是这个吗?”
The viral nucleic acid contains information necessary for programming the infected host cell to synthesize virus-specific macromolecules required for the production of viral progeny. 病毒的核酸含有使感染细胞合成子代病毒所需的病毒特异性大分子的所有必需的信息.
The viral sickness is one of the world's most destructive diseases of last stock (livestock). 这种病毒性疾病是家畜中最致命的一种。
The viral sickness is one of the world's most destructive diseases of livestock. 这种病毒性的疾病是家畜中最具破坏性的疾病。
The virginity associated with Virgo actually relates to discernment, to the idealism of choice. 由处女去联想处女座的特质,也可以发现一些,如小心、谨慎、沈静和羞怯。
The virile nature of his writing, which attempted to re-create the exact physical sensations he experienced in wartime, big-game hunting, and bullfighting, in fact masked an aesthetic sensibility of great delicacy. 他的作品表面上看来虽然充满阳刚气息,试图重现他在战争、打猎和斗牛等活动当中的生理感受,实际上却潜藏着他对美的敏锐知觉。
The virtual company, outsourced non-value manufacturing, will result in planning of the outsourced activities (e.g. forward forecasting on how much and when to manufacture). 计划周期减少,可以更快地更新有关变更计划、促销效果和其他活动的消息。
The virtual local area network (VLAN) is not only advantageous to the network security and prevents the network storm, moreover may enhance the network movement the efficiency, simultaneously also may solve the network to expands accommodates the question 虚拟局域网(VLAN)不仅有利于网络安全和防止网络风暴,而且可以提高网络运行的效率,同时也可解决网络扩容问题。
The virtual orchestra system, which is based on MIDI synthesis and VBAP (Vector Base Amplitude Panning), implements interactive multi-channel virtual spatial sound reproduction. 基于MIDI合成技术和矢量基幅度平移技术实现了一个交互式多通道虚拟空间音乐回放系统。
The virtue of recycling has been appreciated for centuries. 废料回收的优点已经被人们重视了好几个世纪了。

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