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We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children.

We don't know what may turn up tomorrow. 我们不知道明天会发生什么情况。
We don't know what to say to console her for the loss. 对于她的损失,我们不知该说什么才能安慰她。
We don't know what will transpire when we have a new boss. 当我们有位新老板时,不知会发生什么。
We don't know why the teacher seemed to have it in for that boy. 我们不知道为什麽老师好像和那个男孩过不去,老找他麻烦。
We don't know, but if there's anyone who can tell the future, Nostradamus is probably your best bet! 我不知道,但如果没人知道未来,那么占卜可能是你的最佳选择!
We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children. 我们不让提莫西和那些嚣张的孩子们玩。
We don't like our friends to be laughed at from time to time. 我们不喜欢我们的朋友不时地被嘲笑。
We don't like the rim. The rim should be ridged. 我们不喜欢这样的盘边,盘边必须是脊状的。
We don't like them to pass through here. 我们不希望汽车通过这里。
We don't like thinking about it, but after retirement age, about half of us eventually move into a nursing home, usually around age 80. 我们不愿去想这些事情,但是当退休以后,通常在80岁左右,半数的人最终会搬到疗养院去。
We don't like to have too much stock on hand. 我们不喜欢有太多的存货。

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