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The couple seemed to be on cloud nine.

The couple quarreled hammer and tongs last night. 昨晚那对夫妻吵的很凶。
The couple refinanced at a low interest rate to free up money for medical bills. 因为你会看见,在这个国家的大部分地区,房价都在下降,所以你的房子也根本不值你当初买时的价值。”
The couple said proudly, We just adopted a Russian baby and in a year or so he'll start to talk. We just want to be able to understand him. 那对夫妇骄傲的说,“我们刚才收养了一个俄罗斯小孩,一年以后他就会说话了,我们只是想我们能够理解他所说的。”
The couple saw him rush into the fire! 那对夫妇看见他冲进大火中!
The couple seeing her off were probably her parents, they seemed very anxious about her safety, and the woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers. 送她的那对夫妇可能是她的父母,他们似乎对她的安全格外担忧,那位夫人详细地交代她应注意的事项,诸如东西该放哪,什么时候不要把身子探出窗外,以及如何避免与陌生人说话。
The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
The couple too enjoys preparing refreshments for the group, together with sister Fang Min. 他们也与芳敏姊妹一同享受以预备茶点服事团契。
The couple traveled from Essex in England to this small Swedish town, 124 miles north of the Arctic Circle, just so they could exchage vows in a 21-degree chill. 这对新人从英格兰艾塞克斯来到这座位于北极圈以北124英里的瑞典小镇,正因如此她们才有机会在21度寒冷的气温下宣誓。
The couple upon seeing that, said, We wish we were on that bus. 那对恋人看到这件事后说︰「如果我们都在那辆巴士就好了!」
The couple was also the directors of R Investments. 这对夫妻同时也是R投资公司的主管。
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. 哥德堡地方行政法院对这对夫妇给予了支持,并于3月13日做出裁决:税务局没有理由拒绝注册这个名字。

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