A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.
壁身体部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用复数 |
A wall or embankment, as in a mine or along a waterfront, that acts as a protective barrier.
(坑内的)堵壁、堤岸、挡土墙在矿井里或沿着水边的墙或堤,用来当作当保护物的障碍物 |
A wall separated the arena from spectators whose seats rested on sloping concrete supports as in many stadiums today.
这样破坏一直持续了好几个世纪,到了十九世纪才被制止,那时,几届教皇开始对之进行修复,那些补砌的砖就是历次修复的明证。 |
A wan expression.
惨淡的表情 |
A wand is necessary for most magic.
一根魔杖对施大部分魔法都有用。 |
A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain.
决心赶到目的地,浪汉何惧雨来淋。 |
A wanted criminal Madine had no choice but to join the Rebel, He then rediscovered his old friend Carlist Rieekan, Based on Rieekan's recommendation, Madine was accepted by Mon Mothma despite his past affiliations.
觉得可耻的马汀没有选择的馀地只好加入了叛军,并发现了老朋友卡利斯˙瑞肯也在同盟之中,而瑞肯则向同盟的最高首领蒙˙莫玛斯极力的推荐马汀,蒙˙莫斯玛精明且快速的赞成了这项提议。 |
A war at the far edge of the BaIkans has had political consequences extending far beyond Kosovo.
在巴尔干半岛遥远的边缘上所爆发的一场战争,其政治后果已远超出了科索沃这一范围。 |
A war demands of us enormous sacrifices of life and property.
战争向我们需求生命和财产的庞大牺牲。 |
A war game session may last from one to a few days, depending on the competitive/business issue(s), gaming model, resources and urgency of the situation.
野战部分可能需时一天或一天以上,这是由竞争或商业事件、游戏模式、资源或情况的紧急性而定。 |
A war has erupted without sanction from the United Nations, and as its secretary general, he has to speak up about the conflict, look ahead to the future of Iraq, and keep the Nobel Prize-winning institution from reverting to its cold-war self: a bypassed
在没有得到联合国授权的情况下战争打响了,作为联合国的秘书长,他不得不就冲突阐明观点,为伊拉克的未来做筹划,还要力图阻止这个曾获得诺贝尔奖的国际机构重新回到冷战期间的状态:一个被绕道而过的、异常繁琐的官僚机构,一个时常上演琐碎外交戏剧的“外百老汇戏剧界之外”的舞台。 |