At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.
状态离线15:1每逢七年末一年,你要施行豁免。 |
At the end of five years, you had $638.14.
在第五年年末,你就得到了638.14美元。 |
At the end of forty days they returned from exploring the land.
25过了四十天、他们窥探那地才回来。 |
At the end of half an hour one man stated that his dog could start a sled with five hundred pounds and walk off with it; a second bragged six hundred for his dog; and a third, seven hundred.
因为,他们因此而得到了所需的装备,能够实现渴望已久的东部之行,那儿矿工们尚未去过,是片未开发的土地。 |
At the end of half an hour the man was aware of a warm trickle in his throat.
他感到有一股热乎乎的液体流进他的喉咙。 |
At the end of his career in politics, he retired and wrote his memoirs.
他的从政生涯一结束便隐退写起了自己的回忆录。 |
At the end of his talk the visitor spent ten minutes replying to questions put to him by the audience.
来访者讲话结束时,用10分钟的时间回答了听众提出的问题。 |
At the end of his talks, U.S Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said the nuclear deal being negotiated between India and the United States is complex and difficult, but both sides are working to resolve the details.
美国国务次卿伯恩斯在会谈结束时表示,美国和印度之间正在谈判中的核交易是复杂和困难的,不过双方都在努力解决细节问题。 |
At the end of it is Washington Square.
它的末端是华盛顿广场。 |
At the end of my life, I don't want to be remembered as the kind of person who just sat on his rear end and said, “ I've made it.” I don't ever want to have to say that I didn't give it everything that I've got.
在我离开人世的那一天,我不愿意在人们记忆中是这样一种人,这种人只是一屁股坐在那里对人说:“我功成名就了”,也永远不想说对我所取得的一切没有尽到自己最大的努力。 |
At the end of post-production, I decided to adjust the brightness, contrast and saturation of the painting.
在最后输出作品时,我调整了以下两度,对比度和饱和度。 |