They are sitting in the shade of tree.
他们坐在树荫下乘凉。 |
They are sitting on the grass .
他们坐在草地上。 |
They are slamming into neighboring gas to create a pair of bow shocks on either side of the globule.
它们撞进周围的气体在球状体两边制造了一对弓形击波。 |
They are slow-growing but can colonize areas too inhospitable for other plants.
地衣生长缓慢,可在其它植物不能生长的地方生存。 |
They are small to large, usually stout-bodied, and are easily recognized by the 3 to 7 segmented fan-like antennal club.
它们由小到大,通常身体刚强,而且容易*著3至7像风扇触角棒容易辩识。 |
They are smaller—and they are remarkably alike in their genetic make-up.
它们更小一些,而且明显有着近亲繁殖的痕迹。 |
They are snaring individual ions in tar pits of light and magnetism and manipulating the spin of electrons in their orbits.
再不然,这些人就以光阱及磁阱捕捉个别的离子,以便操纵其轨道上电子的自旋。 |
They are so enamored of power that they fight amongst themselves.
他们是如此着迷力量以致他们在其中战斗。 |
They are so successful, General Motors has stopped making cars for the Brazilian market that only use gasoline.
他们如此成功,通用汽车已经停止向巴西市场供应只用汽油的车辆了! |
They are so surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments.
他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很吃惊。 |
They are so unbelievably stupid and what an embarrassment for Taiwan for those two clowns to make up such bull shit for the whole world to see........... So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我真不敢相信所有台湾人民被这二位小丑搞到让全世界看笑话是有多丢脸、多荒谬! |