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After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau.

After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding. 经过了一段完美的求爱过程,他们有了一个完美的婚礼.
After a period of clinical application,we concluded that tbe nickel arsenide laser could alleviate the patients' suffering and achieve durable curative effects with its unique performance superiority and clinical features. 砷化镍激光,通过一段时间的临床和总结,此种激光以独有的性能优势及临床特征为病人解决了痛苦,获得持久性疗效。
After a period of extraordinarily cheap money, interest rates are going up around the world. 在一段超低利率之后,全世界利率都在不断上升。
After a period of medical treatment with oral prednisolone and artificial tear eyedrops, orbital decompression was scheduled. 右眼也因此角膜溃疡而必须转诊来之前接受眼睑缘缝合术。
After a period of rapid inflation, price have now reach a plateau. 经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳。
After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau. 经急剧通货膨胀之后物价现已趋于平稳.
After a period of scientific study, he hopes the cave can be turned into a major local tourist attraction. 在完成科学研究之后,他希望洞穴能成为当地的一大旅游游览胜地。
After a period of time there was nothing but beauty and peace as far as the eye could see. 一段时间以后,人们目光所及之处都是美丽和宁静的所在。
After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. 一段时期之后,如果有必要,您会与他们发展出一种新的关系。
After a person stops drinking, impairment will continue about 25% over the next hour. 即便停止饮酒了,血液酒精含量也会在下一个小时里持续升高25%。
After a plenty self-training, Qunny can steal one item from a target hero. 在充足的自我训练之后,奎尼将能从目标英雄身上偷走一个物品。

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