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Dickens created many wonderful characters in his novels.

Dick: Sure. Is eight o'clock alright? 迪克:当然。八点钟好吗?
Dick: Would you like to go to a party with me? 迪克:你想不想和我一起去参加宴会?
Dick: You see, I do business on commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 percent would help. 迪克:哦,我是靠佣金做生意的。在你们价格中收点佣金,有助于我的推销,哪怕2%或是3%也行。
Dick:Dad,I had a long sleep in class today. 迪克:爸爸,我今天在课堂上睡了个好觉。
Dick:I'm paying attention to the comic book. 迪克:我把注意力集中在漫画书里了。
Dickens created many wonderful characters in his novels. 狄更斯在他的小说创造了很多奇妙的人物。
Dickens is his favorite author. 狄更斯是他最喜欢的作家、
Dickens is my favourite author . 狄更斯是我最喜爱的作家.
Dickens is my favourite author. 狄更斯是我最喜爱的作家.
Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writer of the Victorian Age. 狄更斯是伟大的批判现实主义作家。
Dickens is read and liked by all. 狄更斯的作品被广泛阅读和喜爱。

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