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1985 Lumpectomy plus radiation found equivalent to mastectomy for breast cancer.

1984 Restoration of full diplomatic relations with the Vatican after a period of 117 years was announced in Washington, D. C. 美国在华盛顿宣布全面恢复中断了117年之久的美国和梵蒂冈的外交关系。
1984 Scientists reported that an effective chicken pox vaccine had been developed. The disease claimed some 100 to 150 lives in the U.S. each year. 科学家们报道:已经制成一种有效的水痘疫苗。美国每年约有100人到期150人死于水痘病。
1984 The 23rd Los Angeles Olympic Games -Three gold, rings, floor exercise and pommel horse-Two silver, vaulting horse and team-Bronze, individual all-around. 1984年第23届奥运会自由体操、吊环和鞍马三枚金牌、跳马银牌和全能铜牌,男子团体银牌。
1984 Yu. Tsedenbal, general secretary of the MPRP and president of the Presidium of the Great Khural of the MPR, was removed from his posts. 蒙古人民革命党第一书记,蒙古人民共和国大呼拉尔主席团主席,被撤职。
1985 Lumpectomy plus radiation found equialent to mastectomy for breast cancer. 1985年,发现肿块切除加放疗与乳腺切除在乳腺癌治疗中的效果相同.
1985 Lumpectomy plus radiation found equivalent to mastectomy for breast cancer. 1985年,发现肿块切除加放疗与乳腺切除在乳腺癌治疗中的效果相同.
1985 Sanctions against South Africa were announced by President Reagan to protest that country′s policy of apartheid. 1985年里根总统宣布对南非的种族隔离政策实行制裁。
1985 The Chines Family and Its Ritual Behavior (edited with Hsieh Jih-chang), Monograph Series B. No.15, Institute of Ethnology,Academia Sinica. Taipei. 1985民间宗教仪式之检讨研讨会论文集(与李亦园合编)台北:中国民族学会编印。
1985 The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior (With Hsieh Jih-chang, eds.). Monograph Series B. No.15. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. 1994台湾与福建社会文化研究论文集(一)(与潘英海合编)。台北:中央研究院民族学研究所。
1986 The 7th World Gymnastics Championships Two gold, pommel horse, floor exercise and individual all-around. 1985年第23届世界体操锦标赛吊环冠军、鞍马、自由体操和团体亚军。
1986 start manufacture &sale of small-scale modular/cooling tower packaged type absorption chiller/heater utilizing gas. 1986年开始生产和销售蒸汽型小型模块型和冷却塔一体型吸收式制冷机/制热机。

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