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He hit me so I hit him back it was tit for tat.
他打我, 我也打他--以牙还牙.

He hit .306 through April 23 before his batting average sputtered and bottomed out at .228 on May 30 against the Blue Jays. 他从四月23日以前打击率低到.228,到五月三十面对蓝鸟时候是.306。
He hit a full mark in the English contest yesterday due to his hardwork. 由于努力学习的结果,昨天的英语竞赛他得了满分。
He hit a tree or something. 他撞上了一棵树或其他什麽东西。
He hit back from the beginning. 从一开始他就进行回击。
He hit his head hard on the floor when he fell down. (当他倒下时,头重重地碰到地板上。)
He hit me so I hit him back it was tit for tat. 他打我, 我也打他--以牙还牙.
He hit on a good idea. (他想出了一个好主意。)
He hit sixty coming out of the business district with that siren coming closer behind us. 从商业区冲出来的时候他的车速达到了60英里,尾后的警笛仍然步步逼近。
He hit the ball so hard that it went over the wall. 他使劲地击球,结果球越过了墙。
He hit the ball, rounded the bases, ruined a perfect game and had sentiments of his own. 他不仅打到球,跑回本垒,搞砸了人家的完全比赛,还留下了特别的纪念。
He hit the jackpot when the stocks he invested in tripled in value in one day. 他赢了一大笔钱,他的股票在一天之内就翻了三倍。

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