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However the current mammography needs technical improvements in order to have a bigger number of female receiving breast checkup; one is to visualize cancer in a dense breast and the second to provide a comfort during diagnosis.

However that is only until God makes the enemies of Jesus his footstool. 但是要等到神将耶稣的敌人作为他的脚凳。
However the UNESCO site is located just 8 kilometers from the Uranium Conversion Facility located in Isfahan, one of the nuclear sites that may come under attack if the US decided to take military action against Iran. 然而联合国教科文组织的地点,位在伊斯法罕的铀转化工厂只有8公里,如果美国决定派军队攻打伊朗,其中一个核厂可能受到波及。
However the US offcials say Bush hasn't decided whether to send in more US troops. 然而,美国官员说布什还没有决定是否增派美国部队。
However the United States says the North Korea should come back, only if, it is ready to make concrete commitments to dismantle its nuclear program. 然而美国方面表示朝鲜要返回会谈只有它自己准备好用实际行动来停止其核活动。
However the carrying capacity is insufficient due to combined reasons. 因各种因素综合作用,现有保护区已呈现容纳量不足的趋势。
However the current mammography needs technical improvements in order to have a bigger number of female receiving breast checkup; one is to visualize cancer in a dense breast and the second to provide a comfort during diagnosis. 然而为了使更多的女性接受乳房检查,现在的乳房成像术需要在技术上做一些改进,一是使乳房中的肿块可视化,二是提高检查的舒适度。
However the few times I came out of form to heal in humanoid just felt so much more enjoyable and comfortable -- and i dont think this is soley due to familiarity. 但是为数不多的几次在人形态下加血感到非常的舒适和愉快--我想这不是单一的。
However the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness. 19然而,神坚固的根基立住了,上面有这印记说,主认识属于祂的人。又说,凡称呼主名的人,总要离开不义。
However the large number of unused docking ports indicated substantial room for expansion. 但是大量未用的接轨舱门显示出潜在的扩充空间。
However the line between openness and security on the Internet is drawn, one thing is certain. 尽管如此,因特网的开放性和安全之间划下了一道界限,这一点是肯定的。
However the midfielder, who put in a man of the match performance for England in midweek, has rubbished concerns that the impeding showdown at Camp Nou will distract Chelsea from the task at hand when they visit West Brom in The Premiership on Saturday. 然而这位在周中使国家队的比赛变成了自己一个人的表演的中场球员,认为在诺坎普的摊牌之战可能会使切尔西分散注意力,影响他们在周六做客西布朗的英超联赛。

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