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You will see a serene skies and a bright blue sea there.

You will rule them with an iron scepter ; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. 9你必用铁杖打破他们;你必将他们如同窑匠的瓦器摔碎。
You will run a MATLAB? program that loads some images (T1 and proton density maps). 使用MATLAB程式载入一些影像(T1与质子密度图)。
You will say to me then, Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will? 罗9:19这样、你必对我说、他为甚麽还指责人呢.有谁抗拒他的旨意呢。
You will say to me then, Why does He still find fault? For who withstands His will? 19这样,你必对我说,祂为什么还指责人?有谁抗拒祂的旨意?
You will see a BP gas station on your left. 在你的左手边你会看到一座BP加油站.
You will see a serene skies and a bright blue sea there. 在那里你能看到晴朗的天空和亮蓝色的大海。
You will see a splash screen; click next. Now you will be asked what you want to do. 你将会看见一个弹出窗口;点下一步。现在你将会被询问“你想做什么”。
You will see a wide range of moods expressed here, from anger to shame to sorrow to tenderness. 从愤怒到耻辱到悲伤到柔和,诸般情感经历体现在书信当中。
You will see by the Account Sales, which we enclose, that we were fortunate enough to dispose of these goods just before the fall of prices in this market. 从所附销售帐单中可以看出。本公司有幸在贵地市场行情跌落之前,将这些商品售完。
You will see him at the press conference. 你会在记者招待会上见到他的。
You will see in your fish box. 您在您的鱼箱子将看见。

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