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The final decision to give him clearance should be made by us and the Argentine medical staff.

The fate of the bunkered spider was unknown, although other guests at the resort thought it was probably a harmless trapdoor spider and not a deadly funnel web,the statement said. 报告中说:“那只受困蜘蛛的命运目前还不清楚,来此处游玩的其他游客认为那可能只是一只没有什么害处的隐身蜘蛛,并不是漏斗网蛛。”
The father of modern China is Dr Sun Yat-sen, who overthrew the imperial dynasty of Qing. 现代中国的缔造者应该是孙中山,是他推翻了清朝的封建统治。
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverted mouth, I hate. 箴8:13敬畏耶和华、在乎恨恶邪恶.那骄傲、狂妄、并恶道、以及乖谬的口、都为我所恨恶。
The figments of our imaginations, the creatures we push out of our minds into the real world are fully capable of pushing back with surprising consequences,Jeremy Salter, one of the US book's three authors said. 这本书共有三位作者,其中一位作者杰里米·索特说:“我们凭空虚构出来的人物和形象反过来会对我们自身产生意想不到的影响。”
The film industry is a giant engine of economic growth, employing more than 750,000 people and boasting a surplus balance of trade with every single country in the world. 电影产业是经济增长的巨大引擎,在职员工超过75万。可以骄傲的说,我们和世界上每一格国家都有贸易顺差。
The final decision to give him clearance should be made by us and the Argentine medical staff. “带他参加比赛的最后决定应该由我们和阿根廷的医务人员做出。”
The findings offer a glimmer of hope that there may someday be a way to prevent and stop this devastating disease in its tracks,Pasinetti said. 帕西内蒂说:“我们的发现为人类彻底战胜早老性痴呆症带来了一线曙光,也许有一天我们可以对这种破坏性极强的疾病实施有效的预防并在它刚一露头时便将其扼杀在襁褓中。”
The first female platoon of 26 traffic officers will patrol the centre of Volgograd (in southern Russia),Izvestia daily quoted regional police chief Mikhail Tsukruk as saying. 俄罗斯伏尔加格勒市警方负责人米哈伊尔·楚克鲁克说:“第一支纯粹的女交警队伍将由26名女警官组成,她们会在该市市中心街区巡逻。”
The first guy is everything -- especially when you walk them. ... You can't do that, you've got to make him hit his way on,Proctor said. 天天P说:第一位打者代表一切,尤其当你保送他,我不该这样做的,我必须要让他挥棒的。
The first labour is usually protracted,the nurse said. 护士说:“初产通常时间比较长。”
The first movie was the setup, and this one is the payoff. 第一部(哈里-波特)电影是铺垫,第二部是高潮的开始.

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