Under Lobanovsky, Dynamo made the step up from domestic domination to progress in the Champions League.
在洛巴诺夫斯基带领下,迪纳摩上了一个台阶,从国内称霸到欧冠称雄。 |
Under Marie's tuition, Inis Ealga won the gold medal for Ireland at the Folk Dance Olympics in Dijon in 1981 in a competition spanning the five continents of the world.
在玛莉的指导下,爱尔兰奥加舞蹈学院于1981年参加在法国第戎举行的世界民俗舞蹈大赛。这场比赛的参赛者来自世界五大洲,奥加舞蹈学院杰出的表现也替爱尔兰拿下了金牌。 |
Under Mr Annan, the UN proclaimed a new high-minded “responsibility to protect”; but in Darfur the raping and killing continue unabated.
安南主持之下的联合国,宣布了新的“保护责任”,格调高尚;但在达尔富尔,蹂躏与杀戮继续着,依然不减。 |
Under Mr Blair, Britain has enjoyed 10 years of unbroken economic growth, with low inflation and low unemployment.
在布莱尔的领导下,英国经历了连续10年的经济增长,实现了低通胀和低失业率的并存。 |
Under Mr Blair, fusty old Britain has become an international exemplar of openness.
在布莱尔的领导下,曾经老迈保守的大不列颠摇身一变成了国际间开放的榜样。 |
Under Mr Prince, Citi is belatedly trying to make the conglomerate model work.
在普林斯的治下,花旗迈出迟到的一步,试图使庞大的集团模式顺畅地工作。 |
Under My computer locate the Drive letter that represents your camera.
在我的电脑中找出代表您的照相机的驱动器盘符。 |
Under NIW classification, the applicant may petition him or her self; he or she can change employer at anytime during the process, and the processing time is comparatively shorter than some other classifications.
此类申请为个人申请,不需要美国雇主支持;申请人可以在一定范围内转换工作和雇主;并且审理时间较某些其他类别快。 |
Under Philippine law, poachers can be deported, jailed, or face fines of up to 100-thousand dollars.
根据菲律宾法律,非法捕鱼者可被递解出境、监禁或者被处以最多10万美元的罚款。 |
Under S&P's system, India's private banks would all be eligible for an upgrade given the country's interventionist bent.
由于政府在干预银行运营方面的爱好,印度的私营银行都符合了(政府干预评级)提高的标准。 |
Under SCULLY's voiceover, camera pans over the nighttime desert.
(在史高丽的话外音下,镜头移到夜晚的沙漠。 |