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During my three years working, I prided myself in my thrift and planning.

During my last day out on the Leonora, we came across three Dutchmen whale watching from their own rib and serenading the orcas. 我最后一天搭乘「雷欧诺拉号」出海时,遇见三个荷兰人,他们在自己的橡皮艇上赏鲸,还对着虎鲸唱情歌。
During my stay as a postdoctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, as a lab instructor, I conducted four different tutorials for EEE undergraduates. 在新加坡做博士后研究期间为电子工程系本科生兼职辅导多门实验课程。
During my staying in UNIONSHOES, I worked as merchandiser handling export business of Wal-Mart U.S.A as well as Wal-Mart Canada, including sample development / cost breakdown / documentation of all issues about order through RetailLink / analysing and pre 7年之久的外贸工作经验使本人熟知对外贸易的工作流程及其操作技巧,本人应变能力强,懂得用外国人的思维方式进行贸易谈判,能独立处理繁杂事件,在职期间不断学习探索,使英语写作/口语水平和自身综合素质得以持续不断的提高。
During my studies towards the doctoral degree, not only did I complete the required course but also took part in the research of my tutor's projects. 在就读博士学位期间,我勤奋好学,不仅完成了规定的课程学习,还积极参与导师课题的研究。
During my summer vacation, I would like to liven up my garden with lavender. 我想在暑假时用熏衣草来装饰我的花园,使它变得有生气。
During my three years working, I prided myself in my thrift and planning. 在我工作的三年时间里,我很为自己的节俭和精心打算而得意。
During my time at Amway I've seen myself change from being a passive person into an open-minded go-getter. 认识安利多年,从最初被动、怕被拒绝的性格,变得更积极及开放自己,当中的成长和转变,是唯有安利才能给予我的。
During my time off, I'd either read or see movies. I just try to do something that doesn't have to do with the show offers, a few minutes. 在空闲时间,我喜欢看书,或者看些电影。我只是尽量去做一些跟这个电视剧不相干的事情。
During my time, a portable walkman would made my day. 我们那个年代,便携式的随身听非常流行。
During my visit I met several: a Swedish family who came because their 8-year-old son saw the movie Free Willy (about the quest for freedom of a captive orca), and a Dutchman who scaled Mount Everest. 我在造访当地时就遇到好几个赏鲸客:一个因为家里八岁大的儿子看了电影「威鲸闯天关」(讲一只被捕获的虎鲸追求自由的故事)而来的瑞典家庭,还有一个攀登过圣母峰的荷兰人。
During normal field service there is no need to remove the bottom plug spring assembly other than inspection. 在正常的现场维修时,除非检查,否则不需要拆卸底部塞弹簧总成。

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