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Whether they catch a male or female narwhal, the Inuit waste nothing.

Whether these practices were typically the result of economic desperation, the difficulty of raising an out-of-wedlock child,or lack of attachment to an infant is not clear, but the fact that many well-to-do married women casually chose to give their infa 艰难的单独抚养一个孩子,或者缺乏对一个幼儿的关心,这些现象是否都是由于经济困难引起的,我们还不清楚,但是,许多富有的已婚妇女不顾有很高的死亡率,仍随意地把她们的孩子交给保姆照料,这一事实暗示了很多原因并不总是经济困难或害怕给别人留下什么不好的印象.
Whether they are depends on ⑴what the market expected in the first place. ⑵the source of the stocks, and ⑶how the market expects the central bank to react to the output change. 它们是否依赖⑴首先市场预期是什么,⑵股票的来源,和⑶市场希望中央银行面对产量的变化做出怎样的反应。
Whether they are more closely related to the eukaryotes than to bacteria is hotly debated. 它们核糖体的形状和结构和真核生物的核糖体类似程度高于和细菌核糖体的类似程度。
Whether they are true or not is irrelevant. 这些故事是否是真实,则无关要旨。
Whether they are valid or notmust be decided by courts or arbitration organs when disputing parties havedifferent opinions in terms of their nature; but not anybody at any time hasentitled to sue for the invalidation of a contract; some invalidation contr 无效合同是一种事实状态,但合同利害关系人对合同效力认定不一致时,必须经由法院或仲裁机关确定后才无效;并非任何人在任何时候都能对合同请求无效;有的本来无效的合同在经过转换、承认、特别规定以及超过诉讼时效后,会成为有效合同。
Whether they catch a male or female narwhal, the Inuit waste nothing. 不论猎捕到公角鲸或母角鲸,因纽特人绝不浪费丝毫可用之物。
Whether they celebrate with good food and music, or just quiet moments with their families and friends, Americans love to be home for the Thanksgiving holiday. 不管用美餐和音乐来庆祝,还是和亲友安静地团聚,美国人都喜欢在感恩节回到家里。
Whether they make a little bit, or as one of the gentlemen indicated, more than a little bit,eventually it will make headlines. 是仅仅能多获得一点点呢?还是象一位权威人士预测的:不仅仅是一点点,可以赚的金玉满钵。
Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends. 他们依赖弓和火枪,他们认为武器和驯养的宠物是他们唯一的朋友。
Whether they were happy to have company or disturbed by the intrusion, I will never know. 是不是他们会很开心能有人闯进来或是能有人陪伴呢,我不得而知。
Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输於我都一样.

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