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Metabolic diseases such as Wilson\'s disease, hemochromatosis, and alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency can lead to liver damage.

Mesto, who is considered one of the best players in his role and was recently praised by Inter Coach Roberto Mancini, is valued at £5m by President Lillo Foti. 梅斯托是被认为是他所司职的位置上最好的球员之一,最近也受到了国际主教练曼齐尼称赞,主席弗奥蒂为其标价500万英镑。
Met clients as a representative of the corporation. 作为公司代表接见客户。
Meta4 Group Limited (Meta4) operates profitable high growth businesses in the areas of Permission Email Media, Online Matchmaking and Electronic Retailing. 我们为18个国家的175个合作网站提供专有品牌交友服务,同时也在上海,香港和日本运营自有品牌的互联网交友服务。
MetaSwitch, a division of Data Connection, is an industry-leading vendor of IMS switching and applications solutions for both packet and circuit-switched networks. 数据连接的一个部门,是IMS切换和包和切换电路的网络的应用程序解决方案的一个工业领先供应商。
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) may develop in gravid females, and extra calcium is recommended during this time. 怀孕的雌性有可能患MBD症,因此在此期间建议提供更多的钙质补充。
Metabolic diseases such as Wilson\'s disease, hemochromatosis, and alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency can lead to liver damage. 代谢性疾病,如威尔逊氏病,血色沉着,α-1型胰岛素缺乏症均可导致肝损伤。
Metabolism is defined as a process that the food we eat is converted into energy. 把我们所吃的食物转换成能量的过程叫做新陈代谢.
Metabolism is the process that we transit the food into energy. 把我们所吃的食物转换成能量的过程叫做新陈代谢。
MetabolismThe is the course which converts the food we ate into energy. 把我们所吃的食物转换成能量的过程叫做新陈代谢。
Metabolomics is a new science and technology, which it refers to a holistic analytical approach to all the low molecular weight metabolites in an organism or a cell. 摘要代谢组学是对某一生物或细胞所有低分子量代谢产物进行定性和定量分析的一门新学科。
Metacaluk Cable Coating can be applied using a paintbrush for small application or it can be applied with an airless spray equipment for more extensive projects. 麦塔克电缆涂料可以用油漆刷施作于小範围或用空压机施作更大範围的区域。

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