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In this scheme, data rates in probabilistic manner according to a reverse activity bit (RAB) and an adaptive probability value broadcasted by the base station are increased or reduced in data mobiles, whereas the adaptive probability value is dynamically

In this roundup, we look at several software categories of interest to small businesses and the most mature open source offerings available. 这篇综述里,我们讨论几个具有成熟开源软件的小型商业机构关心的软件类别。
In this royal court there is abundant bullion and gold stored in vaults and depositories, and with such wealth we are capable of buying off enemies when they come; but there is no use for those battles of wealth, no scope for them, when aging and death ar 在这王宫里,有丰富的金块和黄金储存在金库和仓库内,当敌人来的时候,我们有能力收买敌人;但是,当年老和死亡之轮滚滚前来时,那些财富战术也派不上用场,没有它们用武之地。
In this same move, the double-stepping pawn is taken. 在同一步里,走两步的兵将被吃掉。
In this sample, the goal is to create the illusion of a spherical moon rotating around its vertical axis. 在本例中,目标是创建球状的月亮在它竖直轴附近转动的幻觉影像。
In this scenario, the multiple embryos in a core compete to accrete matter, and the one that grows slowest is at the mercy of the others. 在这个学说里,云核中的多重胚胎竞相吸积物质,其中成长最慢的就成了牺牲品。
In this scheme, data rates in probabilistic manner according to a reverse activity bit (RAB) and an adaptive probability value broadcasted by the base station are increased or reduced in data mobiles, whereas the adaptive probability value is dynamically 在该算法中,数据移动台根据基站广播的反向激活比特和自适应概率值以概率方式升降速率,其中自适应概率值根据系统剩余容量动态地调整。
In this scheme, the protocol template and the temporary certificate ticket were adopted to avoid the repeat design of authentication protocols and simplify the trust models of cross-realm authentication. 方案通过认证协议模板和临时证书票据设计,避免了单点登录的认证协议重复设计,并简化了跨域认证的信任模型。
In this scheme, the unitary transformation is given uniquely, which is not the same as others. 不同于其他文献之处在于,这个联合幺正变换对于所有情况是惟一的。
In this school we put a premium on hard work and honesty. 在这所学校我们重视勤奋和诚实。
In this sculpture, the girl is deeply intoxicated with the music she is playing. 作品中的女孩就深深地沉醉于自己所演奏的乐曲之中。
In this season, hiking with other members, I suddenly felt the proximity with nature and the pleasure roaming among landscape. 在这个时节,与大家一同远足登高,我突然感受到与自然从未有过的亲近以及徜徉在山水中的欢愉。

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