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A camera trap set in the mountains of Kayan Mentarang National Park in Borneo snapped two images of the mysterious creature as it trundled through the rain forest in 2003.

A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
A camel foams at the mouth as he is whipped by a robot jockey during a race at Nad al-Sheba in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 在阿联酋迪拜举办的一次比赛中,一匹被机器人驾驶的骆驼正口吐白沫。
A camera calibration method with co-line points is proposed, in which distortion center is located according to cross ratio invariability, and then distortion coefficients are calculated based on a line's central projection is a line. 摘要提出一种用共线点列标定摄像机镜头畸变参数的方法,先根据交叉比不变性确定畸变中心,再利用直线的中心投影仍为直线这一性质确定畸变系数。
A camera can reflect real life more exactly. 照相机对真实生活的准确反映更胜一筹。
A camera located behind a glass prism presents an image of the board with the underside of the chip superimposed on top of it. 位于玻璃棱镜后面的照相机拍下电路板包括在其顶部的芯片的下侧图像。
A camera trap set in the mountains of Kayan Mentarang National Park in Borneo snapped two images of the mysterious creature as it trundled through the rain forest in 2003. 镜头的捕捉器放置在婆罗洲的卡扬?门塔让国家公园的山中,当这个神秘的动物穿过一片热带雨林的时候,镜头快拍到了两张这种动物长相的照片。
A cameraman films a painting of Cathrine II when Germany returned seven Russian paintings to Russia on Friday. 德国周五把七幅油画归还给俄国,一名摄影师正在拍摄一幅凯瑟琳二世的油画。
A camp is an area in the wildness, usually set up by human to stay for an evening or an extended period time. 露营地通常指人们为了在野外度过一晚或更长一段时间而拾建的地方。
A campaign that promotes ecology and fights pollution. 改善生态,治理污染的运动。
A campaign worker, a native Virginia, is an Indian descent. 这位竞选助手是弗吉尼亚人,有印第安血统。
A camshaft driven by a chain or belt turns in the same direction as the crankshaft. 凸轮轴被链或者带驱动,使其朝着曲轴相同的方向转动。

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