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The best bet is entrepreneurial trial and error.

The best antidote to the philosophy of science is a knowledge of the history of science. 对付科学哲学造成的不利影响,最好的解毒药就是科学史。
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 最佳的架构、需求和设计产生于自组织的团队。
The best authors are always the severest critics of their own works; they revise, correct, file, and polish them, till they think they have brought them to perfection. 最好的作家总是自己作品最苛刻的批评者。他们修订、校正,推敲,润饰,直到认为业已使之臻于完美。
The best benifit of using notebook computer is that you can save your all system and files with you. 使用笔记本电脑的最大好处就在于你可以将自己所有的程序和文件随身携带。
The best bet at the moment is probably that the phage integrase method can be used by getting a better hold of how its site-specificity works and therefore being able to design changes to it rather than using the very weak technique of in vitro evolution 目前大可一赌的是:嗜菌体整合酶方法也许可以利用:较好地拿捏位点特异性使之起作用,而因此能设计改变嗜菌体整合酶,而不是利用体外进化的很不可靠的技术?但这需要做大量艰苦的工作。
The best bet is entrepreneurial trial and error. 最好的抉择还是靠企业来尝试(和犯错误)。
The best bet is to bet on yourself. 最好的赌就是和自己打赌。
The best bet is, first, for countries both onshore and offshore to exchange tax information and target cheats—individuals and corrupt companies seeking obscurity offshore—that harm the financial system. 最佳方案首先是,无论在岸还是离岸国家,都进行税收情报的交换,并对那些有害于金融体系,在离岸寻求藏污纳垢之处的逃漏税个人和不端公司紧盯不懈。
The best blood will at some time get into a fool or mosquito. 最好的血液有时也会进入傻子或蚊子的身体。
The best car in the world is Enzo Ferrari 1. 世界上最好的车是法拉利!
The best chance came up when Zidane took a free kick (15’) that the Italian keeper cleared after jumping from one post to the other. 最好的机会出现在第15分钟,秃秃的直接任意球被被布冯从门柱的这头跳到那头然后挡掉了。

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