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Most of his kindred are still living in Ireland.

Most of diseases are caused by germs. 大多数疾病都是由细菌引起的。
Most of fashion singer are a flash in the pan. 大多数的流行歌手都是昙花一现。
Most of girls are afraid of snakes. 多数女孩子都怕蛇。
Most of her fellow Kenyan bloggers are young people who prefer using blogs as their way of speaking out, she says. 大多在她的博客上的写手都是喜欢用博客作为宣泄自己思想的年轻人,她说。
Most of high officials in that country got ~s from local businessmen. 那个国家的大多数高层官员都接受地方商人的贿款。
Most of his kindred are still living in Ireland. 他的大部分亲属仍住在爱尔兰。
Most of his kindred still live in Ireland . 他的亲戚大部分仍住在爱尔兰.
Most of his kindred still live in Ireland. 他的亲戚大部分仍住在爱尔兰.
Most of his pains were caused by the wrong cognition to the worth of things . 他的痛苦多半是由于他对事物的价值认识上的错误。
Most of his pens are new. 他的钢笔绝大部分是新的。
Most of his time was absorbed by work. 工作花去了他的大部分时间.

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