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According to the Nyaya school, there are exactly four sources of knowledge (pramanas): perception, inference, comparison and testimony.

According to the MIA Basic Response Plan, Mass Casualty Incident, MEMPHIS FIRE DEPARTMENT, STATION #33 (3) During times of reduced visibility, rescue vehicles will be escorted by Fire Department personnel walking in front of the vehicle when operating nea 根据孟菲斯国际机场基本反应计划中对于重大伤亡事故,孟菲斯消防第33小队的第三条规定是:在能见度低的情况下,当在接近事故地点进行操作时,援车辆将由消防人员在车前步行引导。
According to the Mimamsa, the very striving for liberation stemmed from a selfish desire to be free. 根据弥曼差学派所说,要非常努力地从自私的欲望中得到释放,从而获得自由。
According to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), as of August 19, the disease had infected 257,000 pigs in 26 Chinese provinces, of which 68,000 died and 175,000 were destroyed. 根据农业部的说法,截至8月19日,全国有26个省份先后发生猪蓝耳病疫情,发病猪25.7万头,死亡6.8万头,扑杀17.5万头。
According to the National Cancer Institute, each year about 53,600 people in the United States are diagnosed with melanoma and 7,400 die from it. 据美国国立癌症研究所的数据,在美国被诊为黑素瘤的53,600人中会有7,4000人死于此病。
According to the New York Times, Rice may be looking for punitive measures over and abovethose being considered at the United Nations. 纽约时报报道说,赖斯寻求的惩罚性措施可能“超出”联合国正在考虑的范围。
According to the Nyaya school, there are exactly four sources of knowledge (pramanas): perception, inference, comparison and testimony. 依照正理派,正确地说,知识有四种来源:理解,推论,比较和证词。
According to the Paris daily Le Monde, Art Basel is “la meilleure foire du monde”. 据巴黎日报《世界》所报道,巴塞尔艺术节是“世界上较好的博览会”。
According to the Peach Garden original location associated with Kuafu myth and Freud psychological analysis, the author focuses on the cultural significance of the new inquiry. 桃花源的文化学意义,不仅显示在远古那神秘的夸父神话和桃花源之间的文化传承上,更在于它对后世文人乃至整个中华民族的理想信仰、心理定势所产生的积极和深远的影响。
According to the Peltier effect and contraposing the characteristic of TEC, the method of fuzzy control is presented. 摘要根据珀耳贴效应并针对半导体制冷器的特性,提出了一种温度模糊控制方法。
According to the Phinel formula, this article discusses all kinds of polarization of reflected light and refracted light during the natural light and the ray-polarized light are incident in different incident angles. 摘要依据菲涅耳公式,讨论了自然光、线偏振光以不同的入射角入射时反射光和折射光的各种偏振状态。
According to the Pulp and Paper Products Council of Montreal, Canada demand has risen from 1.15 million tonnes in 1998 to nearly 1.8 million tonnes in 2002. 根据加拿大蒙特利尔纸浆及纸产品委员会的数据,新闻纸的需求量已从1998年的115万吨增长至2002年的近180万吨。

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