Gene trap elements are also used in the construction of retrovirus vectors.
基因诱捕技术也被运用了反转录病毒载体的构建。 |
Gene: This is a pretty cool flick.
吉恩:这部片子真不错。 |
Gene:No,what did she do this time?
吉恩:没有,她这次又做了什么好事? |
Genealogy is our valuable cultural heritage, which reflects the local social, political, economic and cultural life and customs from indirect perspectives.
摘要家谱是我国珍贵的民族文化遗产,它从一个侧面反映了当时当地社会的政治、经济和文化风貌。 |
Genealogy often holds the key to understanding the origin of serious diseases in those with a Hispanic heritage.
系谱时常用西班牙遗产支撑在那些的理解严重疾病的起源的关键。 |
Genealogy: an account of one's descent from an ancestor who did not particularly care to trace his own.
宗谱:一个人的家族史,从他那个并不特别在乎追踪自已家族的祖先开始. |
Genecology The study of ecological genetics, or population genetics in relation to environment.
遗传生态学(种群生态学):是一门研究生态遗传或种群遗传与环境关系的学科。 |
General Affair Office:Inspect the affairs disposed by GDDOFTEC and the directors; carry out daily administrative affairs such as secretary and finance; organize investment investigations, survey, business training and other activities; coordinate complain
负责广东省外经贸厅和局领导交办的事项的督办;负责财务、文秘日常行政事务;负责人事管理等工作;负责对外联络、综合调研和考察交流活动;组织业务培训;负责外商投资企业投诉的受理和处理工作;负责投诉和投资促进的统计、分析和简报、通报材料的编写。 |
General Agreements to Borrow (GAB) The arrangements under which the IMF negotiated to borrow from the “Group of Ten” (most important industrial nations).
借款总安排这是基金组织为增加其资金来源,向成员国借款的一种办法。 |
General Allen said a second Navy task force led by the amphibious assault ship the Bonhomme Richard had entered the Indian Ocean Monday to join in operations off Sumatra.
艾伦将军说,由海陆两栖战舰理查德号率领的第二支救援舰队在星期一进入印度洋,加入苏门达腊海岸的援救工作。 |
General Anatol Gogal: On the contrary, Admiral. Where would Russian research be without it?
相反地,上将,没有了它俄国到那儿去研究呢? |