A more basic problem is that even in states with no political freedom, no official imprimatur can drown the multiplicity of voices vying to influence Muslim hearts and souls.
一个更为基本的问题在于,即便是在那些没有政治自由的国家,也没有官方的许可能够将竞相影响穆斯林精神与灵魂的多样化声音淹没。 |
A more common form of greeting in America is the handshake.
握手是美国较普遍的问候方式。 |
A more common way of joining these metal pieces together is to weld them.
连接这些金属件一般都采用焊接的方法。 |
A more detailed overview of LVS can be found here.
更详细的关于LVS的介绍可以在这里(我觉得这里应该有个超链接)找到。 |
A more detailed procedure is described below.
下面介绍一些更详细的计算过程。 |
A more detailed review on application of gas chromatograph and its coupled techniques in the environment organo tin compounds analysis was presented in this paper.
该文就气相色谱及其联用技术在环境中有机锡化合物的测定进行综述。 |
A more effective antivirus program is going to have less work to do, because viruses will have fewer opportunities to attack your systems.
一个更有效的反病毒程序则更少机会被激活,因为攻击系统的病毒数量更少了。 |
A more efficient industry would make flying less of a hassle, by modernising fleets and reducing delays and congestion.
提高该行业的效率,为机组装配现代设备并且降低延误和拥堵的发生频率,将减少口角争执,让乘坐航班更加舒适。 |
A more freely floating currency would ease this stop-and-go cycle.
而如果货币能够更为自由浮动,就会走出“停停走走”的怪圈。 |
A more likely explanation, he offers, is that the rogue mandible comes from a male and the rest of the bones belong to females.
他认为,更接近真相的解释是,那个巨大的下颚骨是男性留下的,其他的化石则全是女性的。 |
A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
每晚清静这么一小时,可以造就出文化程度较高的一代新人。 |