The smallest player on the court has been Houston Rockets rookie Aaron Brooks, a six-foot point guard from Oregon.
场上个头最小的是休斯敦火箭新秀布鲁克斯,身高6英尺的控卫,来自俄勒冈。 |
The smallest unit of data stored in a computer. A bit can have the value of 0 or 1. A computer uses 8 bits to store one text character.
在计算机上可以用于存储的最小单元。包含0和1两个值。计算机使用8个比特位来存储字符。 |
The smallest weighed in at a mere three kilograms, hardly more than a small housecat; the largest tipped the scales at a gorillalike heft of 80 kilograms.
最小的体重只有三公斤,与小号家猫差不多大;最大的体重80公斤,与雌性大猩猩相当。 |
The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives.
天花疫苗挽救了许多人的生命。 |
The smart drive can attach to high chair, stroller or car seat.
吸盘及夹子更可使小朋友随时随地也可享受驾驶的乐趣。 |
The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.
聪明的孩子上能得到好分数,上大学啦。 |
The smart money says that plaque formation triggers the disease, and that the tangles are a secondary effect.
有关专家认为是这些斑块引发了疾病,而陶蛋白缠结则是一个次生性的效应。 |
The smart of his wound kept him awake.
伤痛使他无法入睡。 |
The smart star starts to make cart chart for the commencement.
精明的明星开始制作授学位典礼用的马车图表。 |
The smart women in opposition to man, then the stupid women in opposition to women.
聪明的女人对付男人,而笨女人对付女人。 |
The smell filled me with disgust.
这股气味使我作呕。 |