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Joe : But your beauty transcends words. I adore you.

Jocelyn:How about going snorkeling? Surfing? Jet skiing? Kayaking? Banana boating? 要不要去浮浅?冲浪?骑水上摩托车?划独木舟?坐香蕉船?
Jock : Oh, come on. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I know it's OK because I was his sister driving it last week. 哈利:是啊,他真好,但我不知道该不该借用。他那辆车比我那辆还要旧。
Jock : That's tough. But didn't I hear that Paul was willing to loan you this second car. 乔克:真倒楣。但听说保罗愿意把他的另辆车借给你,对吗?
Jody Klymak is a physical oceanographer interested in small scale physics,and its impact on circulation and the transport of tracers in the ocean. 乔迪克莱迈克是一位海洋物理学家,他的兴趣是(研究海洋的)微观物理现象,及其对海洋环流和环流示踪物流动的影响。
Jody S.Kraus,Steven D.Walt,The Jurisprudential Foundations of Corporate and Commercial Law,Introduction at 1,Cambridge University Press,2000. 大卫·弗里德曼:《经济学语境下的法律》,杨欣欣译,法律出版社2004年版,第20页。
Joe : But your beauty transcends words. I adore you. 乔:但你的美貌非笔墨可形容,我爱慕你。
Joe : Exactly! That's just the experience they need at Burger Queen. I'm on my way to the top. 乔:全对了!这正是‘汉堡皇后’需要的经验,我正朝着高层的方向去。
Joe : Five hundred dollars to never set foot in their office again. The way I looked was turning their customers away. I could make a career out of this. 乔:他们给我五百块叫我以后别在公司出现,我的样子吓跑了他们的顾客,我想我可以凭此道谋生。
Joe : He dresses like a hippy. Give me a break. 乔:他穿得活像个嬉皮,放过我吧。
Joe : I know. But the Portuguese fans were so happy when the final whistle went. 乔:是啊,但终场哨子响起的时候,葡萄牙的球迷可高兴了。
Joe : I really admire your dress sense. You always look so trendy. 乔:我很欣赏你的衣着品味,你穿着总是那样入时。

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