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According to the age subdivision, by means of random sampling, the body data of female college students in the northwest region aged from 18 to 25 was collected, through the most advanced untouched 3D-Body-Scanner made in Germany, and then the numerical v

According to the actual condition in Jinchuan Longshou Mine, using three-dimensional numerical simulation, this paper analyzes the stresses, displacements and safety factors of mined-out area and filling body under the conditions of different filling heig 结合龙首矿的实际情况,利用三维数值模拟的方法对龙首矿下向六角形大断面进路不同充填高度情况下采空区及充填体的应力、位移及安全率等进行了分析研究,所得出的结论为矿山安全生产提供了理论指导。
According to the actual conditions and functions of purchase, sale and store business of each branch company of Petroleum China, this text discusses the design and realization of a management system based on distributed mode, minimum for goal with the cos 摘要根据中国石油公司各销售分公司购销存业务的实际情况与功能要求,论述了基于分布式模式的购、销、存管理系统的设计与实现过程;以成本最低为目标,讨论了几种方案的可行性,重点讨论了分散业务需求下管理系统的设计思路,以及实现远程数据传输的方法。
According to the actual demand in industry to strengthen industrial statistic work. 按照本行业实际要求,加强行业统计工作。
According to the actual status of campus network, the paper puts forward an application scheme of VPN based on campus network. 摘要在分析校园网实际情况的基础上,提出了一个基于校园网的虚拟专用网应用方案。
According to the actual working condition of the electric motor on ground drive screw pump, two kinds of new motors are proposed, that is the gearshift multi-power single speed motor and speed regulating pole change motor. 摘要根据地面驱动螺杆泵电动机的实际工况,提出了分挡多功率单速和变极调速2种新的电动机设计方案。
According to the age subdivision, by means of random sampling, the body data of female college students in the northwest region aged from 18 to 25 was collected, through the most advanced untouched 3D-Body-Scanner made in Germany, and then the numerical v 摘要以年龄细分为依据,针对西北地区18~25岁在校女大学生,采用随机抽样的方式,使用目前最先进的德国3D非接触三维人体测量仪进行身体数据采集,并以SPSS11.0数据软件进行分析,得出控制部位相关数值。
According to the agreement, Xinhua will provide Xinhua Zongheng, Xinhua News Agency TV Report and International Exclusive Telegraph to Vodone platform. 根据协议,新华社所提供的《新华纵横》、《新华社电视报导》及《国际专题电讯》视频节目为成品内容,可供实时播放。
According to the aircraft taxi law and the conflicts on taxi routes, a mixed integer linear programming formulation was modelled based on the standard taxi routes. 根据飞机在机场地面的运动规律,基于确定的滑行路径,考虑滑行路线冲突,建立了该问题的混合整数规划模型。
According to the allowance of production, the maximum error of measurement is used to determine the accuracy of the instrument. 根据生产所允许的最大测量误差来确定仪表的精确度。
According to the analyses of the visco-elastic and visco-plastic rheological properties of grey silt-like soft soils in Yingkou district, the author interpreted that tyey show different rheological proprties as time and stress level changed. 基于营口地区淤泥技粉质粘土的粘弹性及粘塑性流变特性,指出二者随时间和应力水平的变化表现出不同的流变特性。
According to the analyses on number of sandstorms days, the following results are noted: On the whole of Tarim basin, annual frequency of sandstorm reduced from 1961 to 2000; The most frequently occurred region of sandstorm is in the east and south Tarim 结果表明:塔里木盆地沙尘暴日数从60年代至90年代,总的趋势是在波动中下降的,高发年代多在20世纪70年代和80年代,90年代沙尘暴的发生明显减少;塔里木盆地沙尘暴天气发生的日数有2个明显的高发区,即以喀什、阿图什的塔东地区和以策勒、和田为中心的塔南地区;塔里木盆地沙尘暴天气对于新疆地区气候的变化响应显著,与平原区的降水和温度相关性较好。

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