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Allelopathy of aqueous extract from Ligularia virgaurea,a dominant weed in psychro-grassland,on pasture plants

All these facts indicate close relation and adaptability between morphological characteristics and functions in raptors,differing from “triangle pattern” of terrestrial bird therewith. 进一步表明了猛禽类形态特征与其功能之间相互协同、适应性,并以此同地栖性鸟类的“三角模式”相区别。
All these phenomena remind us that, the human resources are not inexhaustible; they also need to be protected and have an effective use. 这些现象的出现提醒我们:人力资源也不是取之不尽用之不竭的,作为一种资源,它也需要得到保护和有效利用,需要实现可持续的发展。
All types were HPV or HPV. the positive rate of HPV , 8, , , , was negative, the positive rate of HPV in vocal noduli was also negative. 邻近肿瘤的肉眼正常组织检出率为0%(/0),它们的病毒型别与瘤体一致,HPV和HPV的检出率分别为0%(/)和80%(/)。 HPV、8、 、 、 、等型均未检出;
Allactaga elater dzungariae:n=8,N. 小五趾跳鼠n=8,N.
Allele-Specific Amplification (PCR-ASA) Method Based on 8S-D Region of Ribosomal DNA for Differentiation of Anopheles minimus A and C 核糖体8S-D 等位基因特异扩增鉴别微小按蚊亲缘种A和C
Allelopathy of aqueous extract from Ligularia virgaurea,a dominant weed in psychro-grassland,on pasture plants 高寒草场优势杂草黄帚橐吾水浸液对牧草的化感作用
Allenic sulfoxides and ,-allenic sulfones are important sulfur-containing allenes. 联烯亚砜和 , 联烯砜是重要的含硫联烯化合物 .
Alligators spent more time in water(.%),head out of the water was the most behavior(. %),and gaping was the least behavior(.8%). 扬子鳄在水中活动更多,占.%,头出水是最主要的行为状态,占. %,而张嘴的频次最少,占.8%。
Allport G W was the founder of Humanistic Psychology and Healthy Personality Psychology. 奥尔波特是人本主义心理学的建立者之一 ,也是健康人格心理学的奠基者。
Almond,walnut,peanut and almond are abundant in protein and lipid with CH stretching vibration nearby 9 cm-, 87 cm-and C=O stretching vibration nearby 7 cm- in their infrared spectrum; 巴旦木、核桃仁、花生仁、带壳杏仁富含蛋白质和脂类物质,红外图谱显示出在 9, 87cm-附近的CH伸缩振动和 7 cm-附近的C=O伸缩振动;
Along the river, when one or two dredgers in operation, the max consistency of SS 0 meters from the discharge pollute site was 9.8 mg/L or 8. mg/L, exceeding the level of water pollute discharge in Guangzhou. 纵向分布上,工程点由艘、艘挖泥船厂施工时,距离排污口0m处,悬浮物(SS)质量浓度增值最大分别为9 8、8 mg/L,已超广州市污水排放标准;

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