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The cage bird says, Alas for me, I know not the songs of the woodlands.

The cafe is open from ten a.m. till eleven p.m. 咖啡馆从上午十点开到晚上十一点。
The cafeteria is short handed so we'll have to wait in line. 咖啡馆人手不够, 所以我们不得不排队等候。
The cafeteria is short handed so we'll have to wait in line. 咖啡馆人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候。
The café is a favorite rendezvous for artists. 咖啡馆是艺术家们向往的聚会地。
The café usually opens to the street and sun, unlike bars or saloons, whose dark interiors protect the drinker from the encroachment of the sober, workaday world. 咖啡馆一般开在街边或露天,不像酒吧,总被黑暗所包围,远离理性世界。
The cage bird says, Alas for me, I know not the songs of the woodlands. 笼中的鸟说:可怜的我呵,我不会唱林野之歌。
The cage bird says, Sit by my side, I'll teach you the speech of the learned. 笼中的鸟说:坐在我旁边吧,我要教你说学者的语言。
The cage bird whispers, Alas, my wings are powerless and dead. 笼里的鸟低声说:我的翅翼是无力的,而且已经死去了。
The cage bird whisper, Come hither, let us both live in the cage. 笼中的鸟低声说:到这里来吧,让我俩都住在笼里。
The cage included one particularly tall perch that closely resembled an electrical tower and was booby trapped to give birds landing on it a mild shock. 里面还有一个貌似于电塔并设有陷阱的栖身高地,秃鹫一旦飞到小塔之上就会触到微绵的电波。
The cagey fox can not be easily trapped by the farmer. 那只狡猾的狐狸不会轻易落入农夫的陷阱。

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