On October 20, 2004, Beijing Hyundai Motor Co. declared its plan of exporting 19,000 Sonata entire cars to Russia was at risk of abortion.
2004年10月20日,北京现代汽车公司宣称计划出口俄罗斯1.9万辆索纳塔整车的计划面临流产的危险。 |
On October 21, Clinton declares this section of Texas a major disaster area.
在10月21日,柯林顿宣布德州为主要灾区。 |
On October 23, 1941, the Senate passed the $5.98 billion supplement to the Lend-Lease bill, originally passed in March at Roosevelt's urging.
西元1941年10月23日,参议院通过了价值59亿8千万美金的贷款租赁法案,这项法案最早在3月间就因为罗斯福总统的要求而通过。 |
On October 23, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale and striking only 13 kilometers underground rocked the central Niigata region, killing 40 people.
去年10月23日,一场发生在地面以下仅13公里处的里氏6.8级地震袭击了日本新滹市中心,造成40人丧生。 |
On October 24th 1901,Eastman Kodak was established in New Jersey.
1901年10月24日伊士漫?柯达公司在新泽西成立。 |
On October 26,1997,President Jiang Zhemin paid an official state visit to the United States.
1997年10月26日,江泽民主席正式对美国进行国事访问。 |
On October 26-27,the earthquake groups of Hebei Tangshan Foreign Language School and LINCOLN CHRIST'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL carry on the earthquake investigation together.
10月26-27,我校和英国林肯市克雷斯特学校的地震小组共同进行了地震探究活动。活动内容包括:参观地震遗址、地震纪念馆、抗震纪念碑、双方交流地震探究的阶段成果。 |
On October 27, 2002, before the 80th birthday of the King, we had this interview on air in our program.
2002年10月27日,在国王80岁生日来临之前,我们播出了这期专访节目。 |
On October 4, 1950, Snoopy walked with four legs like any other dog in his first appearance and was a silent character for the first two years.
1950年10月4日,史努比首次出现时也像其他的狗一样四条腿走路,并且在头两年里,他一直是个沉默角色。 |
On October 5, 1997, the world met Kane, as the seven-foot monster tore off the door to Hell in the Cellin order to get to his brother, the Undertaker.
在1997年五月10日的比赛中摔角迷们见识到了肯恩和他的威力;肯恩和他老哥送葬者举行了『笼中地狱』大战,虽然两人是手足兄弟关系,打起来却毫不手软,比赛的铁笼内惨状真的有几分像地狱! |
On October 7, Governor Gray Davis was ousted from office; the body building champion, Austrian immigrant and action film star was elected to replace him.
10月7日原州长戴维斯下台了,而由健美冠军、奥地利移民和功夫电影明星取而代之。 |