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When traveling through the marsh, adventurers would be wise to steer clear of these highly accomplished predators.

When transmitting back to the user, the array emits identical signals from both antennas. 阵列在发射讯号给用户时,则会透过两个天线发射一模一样的讯号。
When transplanted into a mouse, the constructs remained intact and appeared to connect with the animal's blood supply. 这些构造移植到小鼠体内后,仍能保持整个结构的完整,而且似乎也能衔接上动物的血液供应系统。
When travelers pass from one time zone to another, they suffer from disrupted circadian rhythms, an uncomfortable feeling known as jet lag. 当旅行者在一个短时间里到达另一个时区,他们会由于生物周期打乱而感不适,就像我们所知道的飞行时差。
When traveling from asia to the U.S., one must retrovert their watches. 从亚洲到美国旅行,必须倒转手錶的时间。
When traveling from place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States. 美国人自已在国内旅行时经常会为不同地区人的友好程度而感到吃惊。
When traveling through the marsh, adventurers would be wise to steer clear of these highly accomplished predators. 当穿越沼泽的时候,冒险者们不得不提高万分的警惕以躲避这些危险的掠食者。
When traveling, a government official carried his own bedroll on his back. 政府官员外出,要自己背行李。
When travelling across the desert, seek out an oasis, for it will speed your journey. 穿越沙漠时要注意寻找绿洲,它能加快你的旅程。
When treating patients who continue to be effected by earth radiation during periods of sleep or work, response to treatment tends to be slow or uneventful, however when their home or work place is neutralized, the geopathic stress conditions resolve them 当治疗病人时候,病人在睡眠或工作期间继续受到地球辐射的影响,治疗反应往往是缓慢或效果一般,然而当压制他们的住家或工作场所的不良辐射的时候,风水压力条件解决了,他们自己和身体开始治愈。
When triggering our remembrance in environment around, our brain is just like some phonographs, reproduce those records out. 当周围的环境勾起我们的回忆时,我们的脑子就像点唱机似的,把那些记录再现出来。
When trouble with the law lands Tyler with a community service gig at Maryland School of the Arts, he arrives as an angry outsider, until his skills as a gifted street dancer draw Nora1s attention. 泰勒因为触犯法律被判在艺术学校社区服务,满怀愤懑的他以外行的身份来到学校,直到有一天,他杰出的街舞舞技引起了诺拉的注意。

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