Mission : To advocate green civilization ,the practice of green activism ,the pursuit of sustainable development ,and harmonious green earth together .
宗旨:倡导绿色文明,实践绿色行动,追求可持续发展,携手共建美好和谐的绿色家园。 |
Mission Control managers at NASA are trying to decide what to do about the space shuttle Discovery.
美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的任务控制组领导者们正为发现号航天飞机接下来到底该怎么办作出决定而努力。 |
Mission NPCs now leave a wreck when they are destroyed.
任务代理人飞船被击毁时会留下残骸。 |
Mission Statement: To become the leading, most dynamic English edutainment brand in China by providing innovative, mutually supportive and positive learning experiences empowering our members to achieve their full potential in the English language, self-c
使命:我们的目标是成为中国顶级的英文教育和活动品牌,提供一种创新交互的学习体验,激发出会员的英文潜能、使大家更加自信,促进个人成长。 |
Mission bookmarks should no longer drop you 90km, or further, from the acceleration gate.
任务位标现在不会把你扔在目的地加速轨道90千米之外了。 |
Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.
指挥部命令宇宙飞船返回地球. |
Mission controllers are now exploring a complicated array of scenarios for what could have caused the spacecraft to stop transmitting to determine whether the spacecraft is presently alive but mute, or dead in orbit.
任务控制人员正在一堆复杂的假想环境中探寻是什么导致飞船停止发射信号,以确定飞船究竟是保持沉默的活着还是死在轨道上了。 |
Mission of Stardust, goals, scientific contribution, etc.
星尘项目的使命,目标、科学贡献及其他。 |
Mission officials determined the repaired thermal blanket should withstand the searing temperatures of re-entry.
负责此次任务的官员认为维修后的隔热层应该能承受返回时的炽热高温。 |
Mission start time changed to 09:00 (night performance is crap in OFP).
游戏开始时间调整到09:00(闪点对晚上的性能不好。) |
Mission-driven product or service businesses.
使命驱动的产品或服务业务。 |