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Compared with rhythms of English poetry, rhythms of Chinese poetry has such features as cesura as rhythmical point, rhythmical unit as meaning unit, well-balancedness.

Compared with our local city of Istanbul with a history of several thousand years, I am really a young university. 和我所在的城市伊斯坦布尔几千年的历史相比,我确实是一座年轻的大学。
Compared with pair trawling, it increases the single net production for 40 to 45-per cent and lowers the cost and decreases the labour intensity. 网具采用长轴、网腹疏目、身网前段网衣无剪裁比的形式。
Compared with past , social competition have been more and more drastic. 与过去相比,社会竞争变的越来越激烈了。
Compared with previous literature, pigmented basal cell carcinoma is cleared in a narrower excisional margin. 和之前文献相比,著色型的基底细胞癌切除的範围较小时,即可切除乾净。
Compared with quiet and peaceful country life, urban life is noisy and unpeaceful. 与宁静而和平的乡村生活相比,城市生活既闹又吵。
Compared with rhythms of English poetry, rhythms of Chinese poetry has such features as cesura as rhythmical point, rhythmical unit as meaning unit, well-balancedness. 摘要与英语诗歌节奏比较,汉语诗歌节奏具有以顿歇为节奏点,节奏单元就是意义单元,节奏整齐均匀等特点。
Compared with routine petroleum exploitation, non-seismic physic-chemical prospect combined with geologic research show many obvious characters such as low-cost, short-period and high success rate, eet, especially to looking for non-structural oil-gas poo 实践证明,非地震物化探与地质研究相结合具有良好的勘探效果,与常规油气勘探方法相比,具有勘探成本低,周期短,成功率高的特点,尤其对寻找非构造油气藏。
Compared with several different reflectometors, the experiment showed that carbon fiber infrared radiation reflectometors can get an obvious and high quality heating results. 对比了几种不同类型的加热元件反射系统,结果表明碳纤维红外辐射反射系统的加热效果明显,加热质量较高。
Compared with some paltry gains, these prices are unjustified and immoral. 与一些微不足道的所得相比,付出的代价太大,而且是不道德的。
Compared with spectrum analysis, chromatographic analysis technique is handy, easy to be repeated, short-period and low-cost in determining the content of Hup A in haperziaceae species. 与光谱法测定相比,色谱法测定具有操作简单、重复性好、期短和成本低廉等优点。
Compared with sputter crater depth results measured with surface profilometer, the converted depth results obtained by GD-OES were accurate and credible. 辉光光谱定量转化所得深度结果与表面形貌仪刚定相应溅射坑的深度结果对比发现,本方法定量转化深度结果准确可靠。

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