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Gram - positive cocci was the main pathogen, one case of superficial infection was caused by Actinomyces
革兰阳性球菌是手术部位感染的主要病原菌, 1例罕见的放线菌引起表浅切口感染.

Objective : To study the ultramicro Rhizoma Cyperi and establish its fingerprint 目的: 研究香附超微饮片的气相色谱指纹图谱,为科学评价及有效控制其质量提供可靠方法.
He rocked a little to and fro , and chewed at his finger 他轻轻地前后摇摇啃着他的手指.
The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial 指纹专家应邀出庭作证.
Pestilence is a fierce and infective disease which is caused by the pestilential pathogen 疫病是由感受疫疠之气引起的一种具有强烈传染性的疾病.
As Richard Colonno sees it , what new drugs do is reset a pathogen's clock 理查德-柯罗诺认为, 新药物所起的作用只是重新调整病原菌的生物钟.
Gram - positive cocci was the main pathogen, one case of superficial infection was caused by Actinomyces 革兰阳性球菌是手术部位感染的主要病原菌, 1例罕见的放线菌引起表浅切口感染.
The pathogen adapts to different pH conditions while the optimum pH is ~ 病菌对酸碱度适应性很强,生长和产孢的最适pH值为5.5~6.0.
When antibodies encounter the pathogen, they bind to it, rendering it incapable of causing further harm 抗体遇到病原体后能与之结合, 使其无法进一步危害机体.
Sphaeropsis saline is a destructive pathogen of coniferous species in many areas of the world 松枯梢病菌是一种分布广泛、为害严重的世界性病原真菌.
The concentrations of the yeast cells and pathogen spores obviously influenced and lesion development in apples 结果表明,拮抗菌和病菌孢子的浓度都明显地影响其抑菌效果.
It was identified that Cytospora leucostoma was the pathogen of bayberry stem rot 经鉴定,杨梅腐烂病菌为核果壳囊孢菌(Cytosporaleucostoma).

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