It's basically wrong to have observation taken off from hearsay.
以道听途说作为意见的根据是根本错误的。 |
It's beastly cold outside!
外边冷极了! |
It's beautiful in its own way.
宝莱坞的电影尤其自身美丽的方式。 |
It's because I have a bad cold.
那是因为我患了重感冒。 |
It's because a young and inexperienced Warlock can save himself using the secret Elemental Blast.
因为一个年轻没经验的妖术士能让自己使用奥秘的元素风暴。 |
It's because the dinosaur was feathers.
它特殊是因为这种恐龙身上长着羽毛。 |
It's because the gaming industry itself can't create wealth and is simply a kind of recreation game.
因为博彩业本身不能创造财富,仅仅是一种娱乐游戏。 |
It's become an accepted part of the culture, said Andrea Stawicke, executive director of Bay Area Adoption Services in Mountain View.
在美国,越来越多的人接受了存在于家庭中的差异和不同种族的家庭成员。 |
It's becoming a problem that we have too many wild cats and dogs on the streets, the best way to solve it is to desex male dogs and cats.
街上的流浪狗及流浪猫太多已经成了一个问题,最好的解决办法是为公狗、公猫去势。 |
It's becoming the third largest industrial city in the country.
这正成为这个国家的第三大工业城市。 |
It's been 10 years since the blog was born. Love them or hate them, they've roiled presidential campaigns and given everyman a global soapbox.
博客自从诞生已经十周年了,喜欢或者是讨厌他们,他们已经扰乱了总统的竞选,并给了每个人一个全球的表演台。 |