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But these techniques can be very intrusive. To always know where someone is, is more information than most employers are entitled to,he said.

But then to come here is another level again and there's nowhere else now! I want to stay here and achieve things here. This is the pinnacle of the game. “不过来到这里是不同的级别,并且现在已经再也没有别的地方(级别)了。我希望留在这里赢得一些东西。这里就是山顶。”
But there are just too few doctors available,Hao said, adding that investment in mental healthcare was also insufficient. 据他介绍,由于在心理保健方面的投资不够,“这方面的医生太少了。”
But there is still life after breast cancer. You can still feel alive and sexy. 她还说:但是乳腺癌并不意味着死亡。大家仍然可以做到活力充沛,性感迷人。
But there were still things you could do with a computer that you couldn't do without it like spreadsheets and word processing. “但是,也有些东西不得不使用电脑来处理,如:电子表格和文字排版.
But there's no guarantee it won't crash! 但是不保证不会发生坠毁!
But these techniques can be very intrusive. To always know where someone is, is more information than most employers are entitled to,he said. “但这些技术很容易被滥用,你可以始终了解某个人在哪里,这样大多雇主就获得了比已授权的更多的信息。”
But they cried the more, 'Saviour! 但是他们只是更起劲的叫着,'救世主!
But they do not know how to do what is right,declares the Lord, these who hoard up violence and devastation in their citadels. 摩3:10那些以强暴抢夺财物、积蓄在自己家中的人不知道行正直的事.这是耶和华说的。
But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, And they do not understand His purpose; For He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor. 弥4:12他们却不知道耶和华的意念、也不明白他的筹画.他聚集他们、好像把禾捆聚到禾场一样。
But they put their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it. 耶32:34竟把可憎之物、设立在称为我名下的殿中、污秽了这殿。
But they, our forefathers, became arrogant and stiff-necked, and did not obey your commands. 16但我们的列祖行事狂傲,硬着颈项不听从你的诫命。

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