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We need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair.

We need to reform and improve the inner-Party electoral system. 改革和完善党内选举制度。
We need to remember that we are students first and foremost. 我们必须记住,首先也是最重要的一点是,我们还是学生。
We need to renew and update our knowledge permanently to keep up with — or indeed to set — the pace of change, instead of being overrun by it. 为了赶上变迁的脚步,甚至决定变迁的速度,我们必须不断追追求新知,这样才不会被淘汰。
We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
We need to replenish the food cupboard. 我们需要添装食橱。
We need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair. 我们定要在有所为、有所不为方面给自己设定界限,不然则注定会越来越感到绝望。
We need to set up a meeting. 我们要安排个会议。
We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for a new product. 我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。
We need to sort out the garbage. 我们需要做垃圾分类.
We need to speed up the reform of monopoly industries. 加快推进垄断行业改革。
We need to spend more on advertising. (我们该花更多的钱做广告。)

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