In parallel manner, those ascending to 3000 will begin to embrace unity based thought-form, and begin relate in terms of equality and service to the whole rather than self-service.
以类似方式,那些提升到3000股者将开始融入基于统一的思想形态,开始以平等与服务﹑而不是自我服务的方式关联到整体之中。 |
In parallelogram ABCD, two adjacent sides' ratio is 2:5.Perimeter=28cm.BE.CF bisect angleABC and angle BCD to meet E,F on AD respectively.Length of EF is?
已知一等腰梯形的两底边长的差等于一腰的长,那麽它的腰和下底的夹角是? |
In paris , various kinds of cocktail party and buffet provide people with a good chance to make friends with each other.
在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。 |
In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges.
巴黎的流浪汉常常睡在桥下。 |
In part of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so imperceptibly that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.
在北极的部分区域,土地如此令人察觉不到的转化为附着于土地的冰,以至于你走下了海滩都不知道你是在海上行走。 |
In part that means moving into more sophisticated areas of activity.
部分而言,这意味着供应商得向更成熟的行动领域转移。 |
In part that's because occasionally the flu will change radically in what is called a shiftand take humans by such complete surprise that a pandemic erupts.
部分原因是流感病毒有时候会完全变了一个样,称为「大变异」,让人类惊觉流感已爆发大流行。 |
In part this was a device to rally support for his Congressional campaign.
在一定程度上,这也是他国会选举中争取支持的一种手段。 |
In part two of the study, the scientists will work to confirm their findings by determining if any genetic factors associated with early atherosclerosis in PDAY subjects also predict atherosclerosis in living participants of the $68 million MESA study.
该研究的第二部分,科学家们将致力于通过检测来确认他们在PDAY受试者中所发现的任何与动脉粥样硬化相关的基因因素,并预测耗资6.8亿美元的MESA研究的活体受试者的动脉粥样硬化情况。 |
In part, that success has stemmed from criticisms about the inability of poor countries to pay for the drugs that many participants raised at earlier AIDS conferences.
但这一功效也得到了部分批判意见,理由是,在往届艾滋病大会中,都有与会代表提出,在某些特困国家的病人根本无力支付这样的治疗费用。 |
In part, the rise simply reflects the cyclical nature of most commodities.
价格提升在一定程度上反映了多数商品的周期性。 |