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However, some of seemingly untranslable language forms are translable through adaptation.

However, some infectious diseases are classified as notifiable. This means that a health care practitioner may have to notify a Public Health Unit about your infectious disease. 但是,一些传染性疾病被归类为“应通知的”。这意味着一位保健医生可能必须把你的的病情通知公共卫生机构。
However, some left-wingers put forward the theory of new planned economy by taking advantage of rapidly developing information technologies. 然而,一些左翼学者以迅猛发展的信息技术为支点,提出了新计划经济论。
However, some mathematical procedure is required for realistic calculation of an actual concentration of viable bioaerosols in the air taking into account a rate of inactivation of targeted microorganisms, sampling parameters, and results of microbial ana 然而,它需要某数学程式来实际运算生物气胶之确实浓度,并考虑目标微生物之去活化速率、采样参数及样品收集液之微生物分析结果。
However, some negative factors out of network issue a grim challenge to the psychological health of college students who are destitute of self-restraint and resistance against temptation. 同时又给自制力、抵御力不强的大学生心理健康提出了严峻的挑战、产生了一些负面影响。
However, some new problems have appeared in the production and marketing of cashmere, such as too many channels of management, a superfluous working ability, blind competition, drastic price fluctuations, and fluctuating product quality. 但羊绒产销也出现了一些新的矛盾和问题,如经营渠道过多,加工能力过剩,盲目竞争,价格起伏过大,质量不稳定等。
However, some of seemingly untranslable language forms are translable through adaptation. 但是不可译是可以经过变通而转化为可译的,此时不可译者,彼时或许可译。
However, some of the examples in our advanced classes require the latest versions of the browsers. 但一些实例演示需要使用最新版本的浏览器。
However, some of the machines' traditional tasks have been shifted to lower-cost computers in many corporate networks, leading rivals to denigrate the mainframe as a dinosaur. 然而在许多集成网络中,一些原本应是大型机的任务已改由低成本的计算机来完成了。这使得竞争者们将大型机看成是已灭绝的恐龙。
However, some of the other 144,000 stratum, or Archangelic languages, have been employed in various ways in the Earth's history, and will continue to provide additional pathways to the Greater Light. 然而,144,000分层的其它一些,或大天使风格,在地球历史长河中被用于各种各样的道路,就会向更加伟大的光继续提供另外的道路。
However, some of us are not fortunate enough to find these “friends” to aid in our seed need, so we go international. 然而我们之中并不是每个人都够幸运找到这些所谓的“朋友”来帮助我们在种子上的需求,所以我们求助国际。
However, some people crave just this sort of juxtaposition. 然而,有些人渴望这种区分。

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