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Admissions advisers and psychologists at the University of Hertfordshire have drawn up a list of the 10 top words to make a good impression in applications.

Admission theatrical performances; Cigarettes, liquor, beverages, small food retail. 接纳文艺演出;烟、酒、饮料、小食品的零售。
Admission to British universities depends on examination results. 英国大学入学以考试成绩为凭.
Admission to ROWAN UNIVERSITY is competitive and is based primarily on academic performance. 罗文大学是择优录取,主要依据学习成绩。
Admission to the museum is good for two consecutive days. 博物馆的入场券可以在连续的两天内使用。
Admission was free and about 60-70 people turned up. 免费入场参与,而约有60-70位出现。
Admissions advisers and psychologists at the University of Hertfordshire have drawn up a list of the 10 top words to make a good impression in applications. 赫特福德大学招生顾问和心理学家列出应聘表中能给人留下好印象的前10个单词。
Admit it. You did it, too. 必须承认.并且你也这么做了.
Admit when you make a mistake. 承认你的错误。
Admitted as a graduate student of Professor Lu Chen in 1989, he received his M.A. degree in 1991. 现为中央美术学院中国画系主任、教授、院学术委员会委员。
Admitted in his autobiography that he often played while drunk. 他在自传中承认常在醉酒的状态中比赛。
Admitted welfare is the fruit of the whole society, this paper tries to explore the background of welfare pluralism from two perspectives: the historical development and the critics of welfare states. 它主张社会福利来源的多元化,既不能完全依赖市场,也不能完全依赖国家,福利是全社会的产物。

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