Mr Orme includes them wherever he can.
奥姆先生对她们已经是不吝惜笔墨了。 |
Mr Ortega was Nicaragua's president during the Sandinista revolution from 1979-90.
奥尔特加曾经在1979至1990年的桑解阵线革命当中任主席。 |
Mr Ottaway is describing the exception rather than the rule.
奥特维先生解释的是例外情况,而非普遍规律。 |
Mr Paisley also thinks republicans should give evidence to clear up the many unsolved IRA murders and hand over their ill-gotten gains from various robberies.
佩斯利也认为共和党人应该为悬而未决的爱尔兰共和军谋杀案件提供线索,并将他们从各种抢劫中得来的不法收入上缴。 |
Mr Partridge said this year's deal flow was largely dependent on the implementation of the foreign take-over rules.
庞若柏表示,今年的交易量主要取决于外资收购规定的实施。 |
Mr Patassé is in exile in Togo, while Mr Bemba, a former vice-president of Congo, is in self-imposed exile in Portugal after losing last year's presidential run-off against Joseph Kabila.
博齐泽先生被流放到了多哥,而身为刚果前总统的本巴先生在去年与约瑟夫?卡比拉最终的总统角逐中败北之后,自己愿意接受被流放到葡萄牙。 |
Mr Patrick (not to be confused with the ESPN sportscaster with the same name) has a hard-right agenda.
帕特里克(不要跟与其同名的ESPN台担任比赛实况转播支持人混淆了)有一套极右的日程。 |
Mr Patrick also plans to introduce an abortion trigger-bill, which would outlaw abortion in Texas the minute the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, if that happens.
帕特里克先生还计划提出堕胎的针对提案,如果生效的话,最高法院否决(司法判例)罗伊案的那一刻,堕胎在德州将成为非法。 |
Mr Paulson also attempts to shift the focus away from any single issue to a broad set of fundamental policy reforms that would move China farther along the path of free markets.
保尔森还试图将焦点从单一问题转向广泛的基本政策改革,推动中国在通往自由市场的道路上更进一步。 |
Mr Paulson may be revealing more than he intends when he says the yen is “market-driven”: the market is chasing its own tail in defiance of the economic fundamentals.
当保尔森声称日元汇率是“市场驱动”时,也揭示了他未曾想传达的意思:市场在原地打转,未能与经济的基本面协调一致。 |
Mr Paulson said he would make it a “major objective” of his two remaining years in office to press China to advance towards the goal of a fully floating market-determined currency.
保尔森表示,在他余下的两年任期中,将把敦促中国迈向自由浮动的市场化汇率作为其“主要目标”。 |