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After takeoff from Australia the radio went out 6 hours into flight. Plane turned and headed to Fiji. By the time they hit turbulence they were 1000 miles off course.

After take-off maintain runway heading and climb to 900m. 起飞后,保持跑道航向爬升到900米。
After take-off make a left circle (orbit). Over QX, set course not below 900m. 起飞后左转在QX上空盘旋一圈,入航高度不能低于900米。
After take-off right turn approved. 起飞后允许右转。
After take-off turn left (right) over field,1500m on course. 起飞后,左右转飞越与空高度1500米入航。
After take-off you may use the laptop computer but not during descending. 起飞后您可以使用手提电脑,但下降时请关闭。
After takeoff from Australia the radio went out 6 hours into flight. Plane turned and headed to Fiji. By the time they hit turbulence they were 1000 miles off course. (飞机从澳大利亚起飞后,无线电失灵了6个小时,飞机转向飞向了斐济,可是当他们遭遇震荡的时候,偏离了航向1000英里。)
After taking a sauna, you'll feel like a new man. 洗了蒸汽浴,你会感到有如新生一般。
After taking account of cancer stage at diagnosis, age, gender, and treatment, we found that patients with diabetes experienced a significant increase in overall mortality,the investigators report. 考虑到癌症在诊断、年龄、性别和治疗上的进展,“我们发现糖尿病癌症患者在总死亡率上有明显的增长”研究员们报告。
After taking care of his flowers, he goes for the bucket again. On his way, he sees a goody-looking baddy and a baddy-looking goody in action. 他照顾完花之后就去找水桶,在路上遇到看起来像好人的坏人和看起来像坏人的好人在比武。
After taking college calculus for a few weeks,all her high school algebra started coming back to her. 上了几周的大学微积分学之后,她的高中代数便全都回到她的记忆当中。
After taking office in January he plans to keep broadcasting his show from Austin, and the capital is primed for drama. 1月份就职以后,他计划在奥斯汀继续他的广播事业,一场好戏就要在州府上演了。

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