Guiding the enforcement of timely loss recognition is the threat of shareholder litigation.
确保损失能得到及时承认的决定性因素来自股东有权提出诉讼的威胁。 |
Guiding the people of our District, we shall grasp the great opportunities about the construction of Binhai New Zone, comprehensive development and reconstruction of Haihe River and co-hosting of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in order to establish a mode
带领全区人民,紧紧抓住滨海新区建设、海河综合开发改造、协办北京奥运会的重大机遇,努力把我区建设成为特色突出、实力雄厚、和谐文明的现代化城区,把我区打造成为本市投资环境最好的地区之一。 |
Guiding the way (not to the flowers and fruits by the road, for they are the incarnations of the living in the afterworld): the flowers are charming, the golden fruits give out fragrance, please don't pick them.
指点迷津(路上的“花果”是生者在那个世界的化身,不能误摘):花开得迷人,金黄的果子发出一阵阵香味,请你不要随便摘。 |
Guiding type two-position &two-port high-temperature solenoid valve adopts teflon hard seal structure,with reliable performance,large flow,high-temperature resistance,and corrosion resistance. It can control multiple fluid,with easy operation.
先导式二位二通高温电磁阀,采用聚四氟乙稀硬密封结构,耐高温、耐腐蚀、性能可靠,流量大、使用方便,能控制多种流体。 |
Guiding us toward our goal of quick, affordable and convenient health care is a seasoned management team.
引导我们旨在快捷、买得起和便利医疗的视一个经验丰富的管理团队。 |
Guido: Well, tomorrow, we'll put one up. We won't let in anything we don't like. What don't you like?
好吧,我们明天就放上一个。让我们讨厌的东西都进不去。你讨厌什么? |
Guido: Yes! Yes, the prize is a tank.
对,对!奖品是一辆坦克。 |
Guidry stressed pitch repeating in the bullpen sessions, instructing Igawa to trust his ability to dance inside and outside to hitters.
古伯伯强调重复在牛棚中练投,教导井川庆相信他自己的能力,能够以内角球外角球来面对打击者。 |
Guigang City, a new inland river harbor city full of capability and energy as well as an old shire with a history of more than two thousand and two hundred years, is an external opening port of national first class with obviously superior location.
贵港市是一座具有二千二百多年历史的古郡,更是一座充满生机和活力的新兴内河港口城市,区位优势明显,是国家一类对外开放口岸。 |
Guild Control - This will launch a control window pane where you can edit the ranks of the guild and set up permissions for each rank.
工会管理–你可以进入公会的管理界面,修改玩家的公会等级(不是级别)并给不同等级授权。 |
Guild Member List - In the main middle window pane you will see a list of guild members sorted by Name, Rank, Note, and Last Online.
工会成员列表–在屏幕中间的主窗口排列着的是工会成员名单,你可以使用按名字,按等级,是否有短消息,最后在线时间等多种方式来排列这些名单。 |