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A cat often humps its back.

A cat is not so vigilant as a dog . 猫不如狗机警。
A cat is running up and down the tree. 一只猫正在上上下下地爬树。
A cat is similar to a tiger in many ways. 猫同虎有很多地方相像。
A cat is similar to a tiger in some way. 猫有好几点同虎相像。
A cat mews. 猫喵喵叫。
A cat often humps its back. 猫常弓起背部。
A cat thinks, If that fly drops 6 inches, the fish would jump, the bear would go to get the fish, the hunter will go to get the bear, the mouse will go get the cheese, and I'll get that mouse! 一只猫想:如果那只苍蝇飞低6英寸,那条鱼就会跳出水面,那只熊就会去抓那条鱼,猎人就会去射那头熊,老鼠就会偷他的奶酪了,而我就可以去抓那只老鼠了。
A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. 如果一个地方很小,猫使用胡须判断它是否能挤得过去。
A cat with a straw tail keeps away from fire. 参考译文]猫尾如稻草,不往火边靠。
A cat with no tail is an anomaly. 没尾巴的猫是一只畸形猫。
A cat's claws are retractile. 猫的爪能缩回.

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