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Mark: I hope we won't catch a cold.

Mark: Hi, I'm Mark. What's your name? 马克:嗨,我是马克。你的名字是什么?
Mark: Hold my tongue? My tongue stayed in my mouth. 三木:长舌?我的舌头都还在嘴里呢。
Mark: How about your score? 马克:你一般能打多少分?
Mark: Hurry up! Go faster. It's starting to rain. 马克:赶快!骑快点。要开始下雨了。
Mark: I can't believe David's team could play so well this year. 马克:真想不到大卫的队今天能打这么好。
Mark: I hope we won't catch a cold. 马克:我希望我们不会感冒。
Mark: I saw Barbara's old boyfriend yesterday. 三木:我昨天见到芭芭拉以前的男友。
Mark: I saw it, I saw it!Sprewell could do nothing but shut-up and watched as the ball flying right over his head to Rose who slammedit home. 马克:我看了,我看了!斯普雷威尔只能傻站在那里看着球飞过头顶,罗斯接球后轻松扣篮得分。
Mark: I see it. It's ahead of us over there on the left . 马克:我看到了,在我们前面那里的左边。
Mark: I think the most important thing now is to let people know the product exists rather than highlighting its specific benefits. 我认为现在最重要的是让人们知道产品的存在,而不是强调它的具体好处。
Mark: I think the one in red shorts had someone make the ropes loose so he could lean back and dodge the punches from the other guy. 马克:我认为这是哪个穿红裤的拳手买通了裁判,让他把边绳放松,这样他可以借此躲过对手的来拳。

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