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John 8:30: Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him.

Johansson, Sten(1984), A Swedish perspective on sex ratios and other intriguing aspects of China's demography, A Census of One Billion People (Edited by Li, Chenrui), The State Statistical Bureau, 410-434. 曾毅等(1993):《我国近年来出生性别比升高原因及其后果分析》,《人口与经济》,第1期.
Johansson, in London to launch his campaign to be re-elected as president of European football's governing body, said: I'm against this behaviour but I don't make the decisions. 正在伦敦筹备自己在欧足联中连任大计的约翰松说:“我个人反对这些行为,但我一个人说了不算,正式的决定将由纪律执法组织给出。
John (likes to play with) his dog. 约翰喜欢和他的狗一起玩.
John , James or Anderson intends to go with you. 约翰、詹姆斯或安德生想与你一块儿去。
John ,I'd like you to meet ny friend Lily. 约翰,来,我给你介绍一下我的朋友丽丽。
John 8:30: Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him. 约翰福音:“耶稣说这话的时候,就有许多人信他。”
John : He already has a basketball. 约翰:他已经有一个篮球了。
John Ambrose Fleming invents the vacuum tube. 1904年的今天,约翰·安布鲁斯·弗莱明发明了真空管。
John Armstrong (Dataquest): “Internet 2 will revolutionize the Internet as we know today. 约翰.阿姆斯特朗:“互联网2将会更新现有的互联网。
John Arne Riise and Luis Garcia gave Liverpool a 2-0 lead before Didier Drogba pulled one back for Chelsea in a frantic finale. 里瑟和加西亚让利物浦2:0领先,德罗巴在切队疯狂的进攻中扳回一球。
John Arne Riise could face Anfield teammate Javier Mascherano as Norway take on Argentina in a friendly in Oslo on Wednesday night. 里瑟将代表挪威和他在安菲尔德的队友马斯切拉诺所在的阿根廷队进行友谊赛,周三晚上,地点奥斯陆.

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